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Zod Fixture

Fixture Generation with 1:1 Zod Parity

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Creating test fixtures should be easy.
zod-fixture helps with the arrange phase of your tests by creating test fixtures based on a zod schema.

Table of Contents


npm install -D vitepress
pnpm add -D vitepress
yarn add -D vitepress
bun add -d zod-fixture

Getting Started

The easiest way to start using zod-fixture is to import the preconfigured (more details on this later) Fixture class.


The examples make use of a seed to generate the same fixture every time. This is useful for our docs, or to reproduce issues, but it's not needed in your test code.

view implementation

import { z } from 'zod';
import { Fixture } from 'zod-fixture';

const PersonSchema = z.object({
	name: z.string(),
	address: z.object({
		street: z.string(),
		city: z.string(),
		state: z.string(),
	pets: z.array(z.object({ name: z.string(), breed: z.string() })),
	totalVisits: z.number(),

const fixture = new Fixture({ seed: 11 });
const person = fixture.from(PersonSchema);
  "address": {
    "city": "43K>5SG250E",
    "state": "kbszkSZm^3Kg<CPyfa4z1HikF",
    "street": "oQes]5YUwRzbITAPk",
  "birthday": 1980-09-26T06:36:51.341Z,
  "name": "8zGj;1humNI>G?8p6;ej\\\\T4jS3",
  "pets": [
      "breed": "RIEgfwDI7]yK6RE581:h]QM^P",
      "name": "wgIuUNfJKl;i4\`\`l3\`A",
      "breed": "iVI2P\\\\",
      "name": "YOMKN<ukgnGg1qp\`CdV>",
      "breed": "fotFqP",
      "name": "8Z?ap[eGC",
  "totalVisits": 5544703130861567,


This library provides utility methods to provide fine-grained support to create your fixtures. Take a look at the examples to see how you can use zod-fixture in your tests.


The Fixture class provides a predefined set of generators that supports each type that's included in zod.

For most cases this is fine, and offers a fast and easy way to create fixtures. But, for those times where you need a custom implementation, you can write your own Generator to change it's behavior using the extend method.

In the example below we create a custom implemantion addressGenerator to return a custom address object, and a totalVisitsGenerator to return a more realistic number of visits.

view implementation

import { ZodNumber, ZodObject, z } from 'zod';
import { Fixture, Generator } from 'zod-fixture';

const addressGenerator = Generator({
	schema: ZodObject,
	filter: ({ context }) => === 'address',
	output: () => ({
		street: 'My Street',
		city: 'My City',
		state: 'My State',

const totalVisitsGenerator = Generator({
	schema: ZodNumber,
	output: ({ transform }) =>{ min: 0, max: 25 }),
  "address": {
    "city": "My City",
    "state": "My State",
    "street": "My Street",
  "birthday": 1926-02-23T02:07:24.494Z,
  "name": "c",
  "pets": [
      "breed": "5yOQfkYfI6=kRuH^F?5BCNHft",
      "name": "mYxRp1GBY2aw",
      "breed": "6Qz\\\\s",
      "name": "_",
      "breed": "6e9",
      "name": ";l]@",
  "totalVisits": 22,

Create Your Own Transformer

Instead of using the opinionated Fixture class, you can extend the unopinionated Transformer and register the desired generators.

import { Transformer } from 'zod-fixture';

const transform = new Transformer().extend([
	/* insert your generators here */

const value = transform.from(zodSchema);



To generate a value based on a zod type we're using what we call a Generator.

To help you to create your own generators this library also includes some useful utility methods to generate data. For example, in the example below we create our own totalVisitsGenerator to return more realastic numbers using the random utilities.


The order the registered generators matters. The first generator that matches the conditions (schema and filter) is used to create the value.

const totalVisitsGenerator = Generator({
	schema: ZodNumber,
	output: ({ transform }) =>{ min: 0, max: 25 }),


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Blog posts


This package is inspired on AutoFixture.